Results for 'Roshan das Nair'

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    Reflections on RRI in “TAS for Health at Home”.Nils Jäger, Liz Dowthwaite, Pepita Barnard, Ann-Marie Hughes, Roshan das Nair, David Crepaz-Keay, Sue Cobb, Alexandra Lang, Farid Vayani & Steve Benford - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 12 (C):100049.
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  2. Programas de renda mínima no Brasil: impactos e potencialidades.Silvio Caccia Bava, Vera da Silva Telles, Selva Ribas Bejerano, Carlos Henrique Araújo & Nair Heloísa Bicalho de Sousa - forthcoming - Polis.
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    O impacto da digitalização do rádio na opinião dos jornalistas e dos ouvintes.Nair Prata, Maria Cláudia Santos, Wanir Campelo & Sônia Caldas Pessoa - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
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    Contribuição à questão operária. Abordagem preliminar das relações entre classe, luta de classe e consciência de classe.Nair Heloisa Bicallho de Souza - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 2 (4):13-32.
    [...] Eis aqui um tema audacioso. Certamente não se pretende esgotá-lo, tanto que a proposta é de realizar uma abordagem preliminar que permita apontar alguns aspectos polêmicos da questão operária numa perspectiva teórica. Trata-se, na verdade, de um exercício, uma discussão que se dispõe a recolher algumas contribuições consideradas expressivas e, ao mesmo tempo, subsidiam a ordenação dados de uma pesquisa sobre classe operária que pretende enfocar a greve como ponto de referência do movimento operário. Nessas condições, este trabalho tenta (...)
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    Rádio em ambientes digitais: experiências de segmentação em aplicativos para dispositivos móveis.Sônia Caldas Pessoa, Nair Prata & Kamilla Avelar - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    A presente pesquisa realiza um estudo de caso de uma rádio transmitida por meio do aplicativo WhatsApp e suas dinâmicas interativas em páginas em redes sociais online. Entre os objetivos deste estudo de inspiração etnográfica de uma rádio segmentada estão a descrição e análise dos processos de transmissão, circulação da produção de textos audioverbovisuais, modelo de negócio e interação com os ouvintes usuários do aplicativo. Pretende-se compreender possíveis experiências de pessoas comuns em ambientes digitais que provocam tensões entre os modos (...)
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    A escrita do caso e a ressignificação da experiência de estágio.Cleci Maraschin, Marta Regina de Leão D'Agord, Nair Iracema Silveira dos Santos & Regina Orgler Sordi - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:35-47.
    Essa pesquisa visa investigar as potencialidades de um método de supervisão acadêmica fundado na reflexão a partir da escrita da experiência de estudantes de graduação envolvidos em atividades teórico-práticas e estágios curriculares. Esse método é chamado de "escrita do caso" (onde o caso pode ser ..
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    A escrita do caso ea ressignificação da experiência de estágio.Cleci Maraschin, Marta Regina de Leão D. Agord, Nair Iracema Silveira dos Santos & Regina Orgler Sordi - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:35-47.
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  8. Convento da Penha: um lugar de memória e de história cultural // Convent of Penha: a place of memory and cultural history.Alberto Carlos de Souza & Figueiredo - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (1):173-184.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Esta experiência interdisciplinar buscou como desafio discutir entre adolescentes de uma escola pública do Município de Vila Velha/ES o conceito de patrimônio cultural e, a partir desse conceito, reconhecer os bens materiais e imateriais formadores do patrimônio daquele município. O trabalho de campo resultou na criação estética coletiva de uma leitura do Convento da Penha, que foi retratado pela técnica de mosaico em papel. A obra encontra-se em exposição permanente no hall da escola (...)
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  9. Convento da Penha: um lugar de memória e de história cultural // Convent of Penha: a place of memory and cultural history.Alberto Carlos de Souza & Tulio Alberto Martins de Figueiredo - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (1).
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Esta experiência interdisciplinar buscou como desafio discutir entre adolescentes de uma escola pública do Município de Vila Velha/ES o conceito de patrimônio cultural e, a partir desse conceito, reconhecer os bens materiais e imateriais formadores do patrimônio daquele município. O trabalho de campo resultou na criação estética coletiva de uma leitura do Convento da Penha, que foi retratado pela técnica de mosaico em papel. A obra encontra-se em exposição permanente no hall da escola (...)
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    The Surgeon-in-Chief Should Oversee Innovative Surgical Practice.Sunit Das & Martin McKneally - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):34-36.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 34-36.
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    Descolonizando narrativas sobre mulheres: a fotografia como potência.Tuane Maitê Eggers - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):470-503.
    As narrativas sobre mulheres, mesmo dentro dos estudos feministas, podem ser entendidas como normativas e colonizadoras, especialmente quando se dão a partir de um olhar ocidental sobre as mulheres do terceiro mundo. A partir da análise do pensamento da autora indiana Chandra Talpade Mohanty, este artigo busca relacionar seu discurso com exemplos de mulheres fotógrafas que buscaram desconstruir essa estrutura hierárquica do olhar, como Claudia Andujar, Graciela Iturbide, Nair Benedicto e Susan Meiselas, além das reflexões da artista interdisciplinar Grada (...)
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  12. (1 other version)A handbook to Kant's Critique of pure reason.Rashvihari Das - 1949 - Bombay,: Hind Kitabs.
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  13. Transparency and the KK Principle.Nilanjan Das & Bernhard Salow - 2018 - Noûs 52 (1):3-23.
    An important question in epistemology is whether the KK principle is true, i.e., whether an agent who knows that p is also thereby in a position to know that she knows that p. We explain how a “transparency” account of self-knowledge, which maintains that we learn about our attitudes towards a proposition by reflecting not on ourselves but rather on that very proposition, supports an affirmative answer. In particular, we show that such an account allows us to reconcile a version (...)
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  14. Province of the Apex Court in enforcing human rights in India.Jatindra Kumar Das - 2021 - In Sibnath Deb & G. Subhalakshmi (eds.), Delivering justice: issues and concerns. London: Routledge.
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  15. The Problem of Existence in Quantification Logic.K. Das - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):229-246.
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  16. Advaita Vedantins on Jnanalaksana: A Critique.B. C. Das - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):275-288.
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    Crystallographicvariant selectionof martensite during fatigue deformation.Arpan Das - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (8):844-860.
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    Eurocentrism and the falsification of perception: an analysis with special reference to South Asia.Rahul Peter Das - 2005 - Halle (Saale): Institut für Indologie und Südasienwissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
    Der aktuelle Eurozentrismus führt dazu, dass Europa und hier insbesondere die Europäische Union verschiedene Entwicklungen und Ereignisse in den internationalen Beziehungen falsch auffassen und interpretieren. Der Autor setzt sich thesenhaft mit diesem Phänomen auseinander und zeigt auf, wie es durch eine eurozentristische Sichtweise, die er als Überbewertung europäischer Interessen, Bedürfnisse, Strukturen und Ereignisse versteht, zu einer verzerrten Wahrnehmung der internationalen Politik durch die Europäer kommt.
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    Formation of fully pearlitic microstructure in medium carbon steel.Sourav Das & Arunansu Haldar - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (29):3281-3294.
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    Right and Wrong in the Conduct of Science.Mukunda P. Das & Frederick Green - 2014 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):25-43.
    Science, in particular physics, is a collective enterprise and is so because it is, itself, a fruit of the exquisitely social nature of human living. So it is inevitable to encounter ethical issues in the natural sciences, since the contest of differing interests and views is perennial in its practice, indeed essential to its momentum. The crucial ethical question always hangs in the air: How is the truth best served? In this paper we describe some ethical aspects of our own (...)
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  21. Sri Aurobindo and Some Modern Problems.A. C. DAS - 1958
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  22. Solving the Romans Debate.A. Andrew Das - 2007
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  23. The Ritual Kinship and the Traditional Political System of the Ao Nagas'.N. K. Das - 1983 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 1:40-44.
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  24. Vātsyāyana’s Guide to Liberation.Nilanjan Das - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (5):791-825.
    In this essay, my aim is to explain Vātsyāyana’s solution to a problem that arises for his theory of liberation. For him and most Nyāya philosophers after him, liberation consists in the absolute cessation of pain. Since this requires freedom from embodied existence, it also results in the absolute cessation of pleasure. How, then, can agents like us be rationally motivated to seek liberation? Vātsyāyana’s solution depends on what I will call the Pain Principle, i.e., the principle that we should (...)
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    Christiane Amanpour and the Quest for the Jewish Egg.Das Gupta - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):651.
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    Conditioning and hypnosis.J. P. Das - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (2):110.
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    Culture, religion, and philosophy: critical studies in syncretism and inter-faith harmony.Nava Kishor Das (ed.) - 2003 - Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
    Deals With Syncretism-An Unexplored Aspect Of Culture. Examines Various Manifestations Of Syncretism And Synthesized Cultural Manifestations In Religious Experiences Of Diverse People. Cases Presented Pertain To All Major And Minor Religious Of India Including The Raith Of Adivasis And Dalits. Highlights The Promising Realm Of Inter-Religious Harmony.
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    De politieke opiniepeilingen in België in 1988.Erwin Das - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (3):477-495.
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  29. El dios del Sistema frente al Dios de la Sociedad Alternativa (II).R. M. G. Das Neves - 1990 - Ciencia Tomista 117 (1):43-66.
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    The Boundaries of the “We:” Cruelty, Responsibility and Forms of Life.Veena Das - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):168-185.
    This paper establishes a dialogue between the later works of Wittgenstein, those of Cavell and the novels of J. M. Coetzee concerning the problem of violence, authority and the authoritative voice. By drawing on J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians and Diary of a Bad Year, the paper discusses lessons and insights on the nature of violence and the ways in which it can be accepted as “normal.” The term “normalization” is used in order to show how violence and (...)
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    Jean-Baptiste Debret, cronista das Luzes.Lise Andries & Maria das Graças de Souza - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):30-56.
    The aim of this article is to analyse Debret's work Voyage historique et pittoresque au Brésil and show that it is marked by the French Enlightenment. The text is divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: the first presents the historical context from which Debret was trained in painting and received the main influences in that art; the second deals with the technical aspects of writing the work; the third touches on the indigenous theme; the fourth (...)
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    Active surface estimation: integrating coarse-to-fine image acquisition and estimation from multiple cues.Subhodev Das & Narendra Ahuja - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 83 (2):241-266.
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  33. Paul and the Jews.A. Andrew Das - 2003
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  34. The Self and the Ideal. An Essay in Metaphysical Construction on the Basis of Moral Consciousness. Vol. XXVII.Rashvihari Das - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):117-118.
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    Śrīharṣa.Nilanjan Das - 2018 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  36. Ātma darśana.Lakshmidhar Das - 1962
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    Magnetic and mechanical properties of Cu-strengthened aged HSLA-100 steel.S. K. Das, S. Tarafder, A. K. Panda, S. Chatterjee & A. Mitra - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (32):5065-5078.
  38. Seventh International Congress of Philosophy.R. Das - 1929 - The Monist 39:639.
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  39. 'Tribe'as a segmentary social system.N. K. Das - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 2:1-5.
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  40. The science of peace: an attempt at an exposition of the first principles of the science of the self, adhyātma-vidyā.Bhagavan Das - 1904 - Benares: Theosophical publishing house.
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  41. Philosophy's New challenge: Experiments and Intentional Action.N. Ángel Pinillos, Nick Smith, G. Shyam Nair, Peter Marchetto & Cecilea Mun - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (1):115-139.
    Experimental philosophers have gathered impressive evidence for the surprising conclusion that philosophers' intuitions are out of step with those of the folk. As a result, many argue that philosophers' intuitions are unreliable. Focusing on the Knobe Effect, a leading finding of experimental philosophy, we defend traditional philosophy against this conclusion. Our key premise relies on experiments we conducted which indicate that judgments of the folk elicited under higher quality cognitive or epistemic conditions are more likely to resemble those of the (...)
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    Cassette Culture: Popular Music and Technology in North India.Rahul Peter Das & Peter Manuel - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):357.
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  43. The Value of Biased Information.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):25-55.
    In this article, I cast doubt on an apparent truism, namely, that if evidence is available for gathering and use at a negligible cost, then it’s always instrumentally rational for us to gather that evidence and use it for making decisions. Call this ‘value of information’ (VOI). I show that VOI conflicts with two other plausible theses. The first is the view that an agent’s evidence can entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. The second is the view that epistemic (...)
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  44. O outro lado do Império: as disputas mercantis e os conflitos de jurisdição no Império Luso-Brasileiro The other side of the Empire: commercial disputes and jurisdictional.Cláudia Maria das Graças Chaves - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):147-177.
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    The Search for Definitions in Early Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (1):133-196.
    The search for definitions is ubiquitous in Sanskrit philosophy. In many texts across traditions, we find philosophers presenting their theories by laying down definitions of key theoretical categories, by testing those definitions, and by refuting competing definitions of the same theoretical categories. Call this the method of definitions. The aim of this essay is to explore a challenge that arises for this method: the paradox of definitions. It arises from the claim that the method of definitions is either (i) redundant (...)
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    Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24).Sanmay Das, Brian Patrick Green, Kush Varshney, Marianna Ganapini & Andrea Renda (eds.) - 2024 - ACM Press.
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    Crystallographicvariant selectionof martensite at high stress/strain.Arpan Das - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (20):2210-2227.
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  48. The life of humans and the life of roaming spirits.Veena Das - 2010 - In J. Michelle Molina, Donald K. Swearer & Susan Lloyd McGarry (eds.), Rethinking the Human. Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School. pp. 31--45.
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    The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind by Judith Butler.Saswat S. Das - 2022 - Substance 51 (2):104-108.
    Judith Butler's The Force of Nonviolence attempts a creative mapping of the forces of nonviolence. With leading thinkers of the world coming up with creative cartographies of violence, Butler's mapping of nonviolence doesn't stand as an exercise in altering or undermining such cartographies. While these thinkers work with what stands as a categorical understanding of violence while reconstructing it as a destructive force innate to every being in the world, Butler departs from reiterating such understandings. However, with her mapping, Butler (...)
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    Eggleston's dichotomy for characterized subgroups and the role of ideals.Pratulananda Das & Ayan Ghosh - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (8):103289.
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